Through our comprehensive housekeeping services we provide our customers a systematic and professional solution...
We use the latest WHO certified pesticides as well as ultrasonic repellents and glue based traps to control....
Our competent gardeners and assistants ensure maintenance and upkeep of gardens and green belts within our clients'.....
Only ITI trained and certified DG Set operators, Electricians and Plumbers are deployed at client facilities...
Most often buildings are made without a thought to how the exterior façade might be cleaned. We have trained....
Marble and granite floors are some of the most beautiful and expensive flooring surfaces used today in buildings....
We are geared to undertake interior paint and regular touch-up jobs for an aesthetically pleasing workplace. Use of....
We undertake repairs and refurbishments of sofas and chairs. Our quality services increase the life of these....
Over the past decade or so, at Solutions Unlimited we have always taken it upon ourselves to provide our clients....